Mid Week blog #20 - Card Sketch #2

 Hello and welcome to my mid week blog,

These mid week blogs are designed to be shorter than my Sunday blogs so that I can share techniques, card design or other tips and tricks with you. Today I am sharing another card sketch with you to help when inspiration needs a little kick start or just for something fresh. Hope you like it!

This Card Sketch is inspired by a card in the Annual Catalogue that I am 'Casing' in my Sunday Blog. The original card features on Page 25 of the catalogue & this is my version of it.

Now I don't have any fancy software that can create the Card Sketches for me so please excuse my hand drawn sketch. It does the job though.

Card sketches are a great way to get your mojo back if you find yourself in a little creative slump or just for a little change. I hope you find some inspiration from this design. I would love to see any creations you make with this sketch so please feel free to post a pic on my Facebook page, craftedbyalison.
That's it for this week. I will have full details of how I made this card on my Sunday blog, hope you can come back for that. Til next time, take care & keep crafting! XX Alison


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